
Rental Policies

Multimedia Room Rental Policies

Theater Rental Policies



A representative from the rental party MUST check-in at the Box Office with the manager on duty at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the rental. BMFI reserves the right to charge an additional hourly rate or a fraction thereof if you are present in the facility beyond the rental time designated in the contract.

Rental Space Access

The rental party is allowed access to the rental space one hour prior to the event start time and must exit the space no later than thirty minutes after the event concludes. All rentals include a $175 base charge for this time and service.

Booking and Payment of Rentals

A rental is not official until a signed contract and a deposit of 50% of the rental fee is received. The remaining balance will be charged on the business day prior to the event.


If an event is cancelled after the contract has been signed and deposits have been made, BMFI reserves the right to keep the 50% deposit. There can be no refunds for interruptions or cancellation of events/rentals due to “acts of nature” or forces beyond our controls (such as electric company or water company failures).

Reception Space Condition

The rental space must be left in the same condition as it was found, including the condition and location of all furnishings and equipment. There are cleaning supplies and a vacuum available to assist with your clean up. Under no circumstances may posters or like materials be taped to any painted surfaces in the building. Red wine, feathers, helium-filled balloons, noisemakers, and glitter are NOT permitted anywhere in the building.

Renters using the Multimedia Room are required to remove all trash from the space.

Trash bags used during the rental must be removed from the space and brought down to the closet in the theater lobby. A fee of $25 per bag will be deducted for any trash bags left in the Multimedia Room after the conclusion of the rental.

Security and Rental Deposit

BMFI will keep credit card information used for payment on file for the $250 security deposit and the balance of the rental. Any required reimbursement against this security deposit or other fines and fees will be charged to that credit card. The security deposit may be applied toward the cleaning of the room if it is not left in the same condition as it was found. This includes damage incurred by taping posters to unauthorized surfaces. Additional charges may include costs of repairs; costs of cleaning carpet, chair and wall stains; replacement of damaged, lost, or broken items; fees for trash bags that have not been removed by the renter.

Film Selection

BMFI needs as much advanced notice as possible as to the title of your film and method of projection (Blu-ray or DVD).

A copy of the film must be delivered to the theater one week prior to the event for testing by a BMFI projectionist. This will give us the opportunity to run the film on our equipment and identify any problems. Non-commercially produced DVDs and Blu-rays often contain glitches that cannot be corrected by the projection team. BMFI cannot guarantee clean, uninterrupted projection from these sources. BMFI is not responsible or liable for any problems that occur during projection if the rental party fails to provide screening discs at least one week prior to rental.

Audio/Visual Equipment

The Multimedia Room is equipped with digital projection and sound that can be used to exhibit Blu-rays, DVDs, PowerPoint, and web-based media and can be adapted for additional formats. Wireless internet is available throughout the building. If the rental party plans on using any of the audio/visual equipment an additional fee of $50 is required for the cost of an A/V operator. Under no circumstances is the rental party allowed to operate the A/V equipment.

Ticket Sales and Staffing

Renters are solely responsible for all ticket sales. Many renters use services like EventBrite to sell tickets, but the renter must set up those ticket sales and manage registrations. BMFI provides a projectionist during the rental plus staff for concession sales. The rental party must provide any additional staff needed for their event.

Event Promotion

Renters are solely responsible for advertising their event. Rental events are not included on BMFI’s website, marquee, newspaper listings, printed materials, or social media. Promotion that mentions Bryn Mawr Film Institute must be approved by BMFI prior to its release or posting. Bryn Mawr Film Institute may be mentioned in announcements, posters, webpages, and other promotional outlets only as the location for the event and not in a way that implies that BMFI is the “presenter”. This policy may be modified by written agreement between renter and BMFI (e.g. BMFI could be listed as a presenter, sponsor, supporter, or endorser) and with written approval of the promotional material by BMFI.

Catering and Concessions

Bryn Mawr Film Institute must be informed of any arrangement for refreshments at least two weeks before the event. A list of our preferred caterers is available upon request. All caterers must provide a certificate of liability listing BMFI as additional insured. The party may also choose to provide its own refreshments. Red wine is prohibited. Popcorn, candy, and beverages may be purchased from the concession stand.



A representative from the rental party MUST check-in at the Box Office with the manager on duty at least 30 minutes prior to the start of the rental. BMFI reserves the right to charge an additional hourly rate or a fraction thereof if you are present in the facility beyond the rental time designated in the contract.

Rental Space Access

The rental party is allowed access to the rental space one hour prior to the event start time and must exit the space no later than thirty minutes after the event concludes. If tickets are being sold, renters will be given a table for ticket sales to be set up in the atrium no more than one hour prior to the event.

Booking and Payment of Rentals

A rental is not official until a signed contract and a deposit of 50% of the rental fee is received. The balance will be charged on the business day prior to the event.


If an event is cancelled after the contract has been signed and deposits have been made, BMFI reserves the right to keep the 50% deposit. There can be no refunds for interruptions or cancellation of events/rentals due to “acts of nature” or forces beyond our controls (such as electric company or water company failures).

Reception Space Condition

The rental space must be left in the same condition as it was found, including the condition and location of all furnishings and equipment. Rental parties are not required to clean or remove trash from the theater space. Rental parties that leave theaters in an excessively dirty state may incur a fine. There are cleaning supplies and a vacuum available to assist with your clean up. Under no circumstances may posters or like materials be taped to any painted surfaces in the building. Red wine, feathers, helium- filled balloons, noisemakers, and glitter are NOT permitted anywhere in the building.

Trash bags used during the rental must be removed from the space and brought down to the closet in the theater lobby.

Security and Rental Deposit

BMFI will keep credit card information used for payment on file for the $250 security deposit and the balance of the rental. Any required reimbursement against this security deposit or other fines and fees will be charged to that credit card. The security deposit may be applied toward the cleaning of the room if it is not left in the same condition as it was found. This includes damage incurred by taping posters to unauthorized surfaces. Additional charges may include costs of repairs; costs of cleaning carpet, chair and wall stains; replacement of damaged, lost, or broken items; fees for trash bags that have not been removed from the Multimedia Room by the renter.

Film Selection

BMFI needs as much advanced notice as possible as to the title of your film and method of projection: Blu-ray, DVD, DCP, or 35mm.

A copy of the film must be delivered to the theater one week prior to the event for testing by a BMFI projectionist. This will give us the opportunity to run the film on our equipment and identify any problems. Non-commercially produced DVDs and Blu-rays often contain glitches that cannot be corrected by the projection team. BMFI cannot guarantee clean, uninterrupted projection from these sources. BMFI is not responsible or liable for any problems that occur during projection if the rental party fails to provide screening discs at least one week prior to rental.

Ticket Sales and Staffing

Renters are solely responsible for all ticket sales. Many renters use services like EventBrite to sell tickets, but the renter must set up those ticket sales and manage registrations. BMFI provides a projectionist during the rental plus staff for concession sales. The rental party must provide any additional staff needed for their event.

Event Promotion

Renters are solely responsible for advertising their event. Rental events are not included on BMFI’s website, marquee, newspaper listings, printed materials, or social media. Promotion that mentions Bryn Mawr Film Institute must be approved by BMFI prior to its release or posting. Bryn Mawr Film Institute may be mentioned in announcements, posters, webpages, and other promotional outlets only as the location for the event and not in a way that implies that BMFI is the “presenter”. This policy may be modified by written agreement between renter and BMFI (e.g. BMFI could be listed as a presenter, sponsor, supporter, or endorser) and with written approval of the promotional material by BMFI.

Catering and Concessions

Bryn Mawr Film Institute must be informed of any arrangement for refreshments at least two weeks before the event. A list of our preferred caterers is available upon request. All caterers must provide a certificate of liability listing BMFI as additional insured. The party may also choose to provide its own refreshments. The Multimedia Room is a BYO facility. Red wine is prohibited. Popcorn, candy, and beverages may be purchased from the concession stand.


the cover of BMFI's Winter 2025 Programming Magazine, Projections

Spring 2025


$20 for 20



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