When Harry Met Sally (1989)
When Harry Met Sally (1989)
When Harry Met Sally (1989)
When Harry Met Sally (1989)
When Harry Met Sally (1989)
When Harry Met Sally (1989)

Film Studies

Cinema Classics Seminar:
When Harry Met Sally. . .
SOLD OUT – Regular Screening Tickets are Still Available!

Date Night with the Academy
Wednesday, February 5, 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm  
Instructor: Elizabeth Nathanson, Ph.D., Muhlenberg College

When Harry Met Sally . . . came out in 1989, a time when Hollywood was full of superheroes, special-effects, and action movies, so the film’s mixed reviews might have been expected. It depicts twelve years of ebbs and flows in the friendship and romance of Harry (Billy Crystal) and Sally (Meg Ryan). We follow our leads through their relationships with other partners, late-night chats about classic Hollywood cinema, travels throughout New York City, and enjoyment of deli sandwiches. As we watch the evolving affections of its titular characters, When Harry Met Sally . . . asks audiences to think about the role of fate when falling in love. 

When Harry Met Sally . . . is often credited with reinventing the romantic comedy. With its novel narrative structure and focus on character depth, the film engages themes central to the genre and advances new ones. Nora Ephron’s laser-sharp script provides a foundation for the keen performances, punctuates Harry and Sally’s scenes with Greek-chorus-style commentary from older married couples, and is enhanced by Rob Reiner’s nuanced direction. The movie displays a range of feelings while reveling in the imagery of Manhattan, a setting that augments the romance. In this seminar, we will explore how this film fits into the pantheon of rom-com, past, present, and future, just in time for Valentine’s Day!

Are you interested in “just” seeing this movie? Visit the public screening page here.

Cinema Classics Seminars offer an entertaining and engaging way to learn more about some of the true classics of world cinema. All students receive an introductory lecture before the film and a guided discussion after the film. In addition, those in attendance receive a ticket to see it on the big screen, as well as popcorn and a drink. Please note: the screening associated with this seminar will be open to the public, as well.

Please contact BMFI Programs and Education Coordinator Jill Malcolm with any questions.


Course Information

$25 for members, $35 for non-members

  • Wednesday, February 5 · 6:30 pm