Due to inclement weather, the 7:00 PM show of THE BRUTALIST, the 7:30 PM shows of A COMPLETE UNKNOWN and I’M STILL HERE, and the 8:00 PM show of NICKEL BOYS have been canceled.

BMFI Closing Temporarily Due to COVID-19 in Montco

March 12, 2020

Bryn Mawr Film Institute will close for two weeks in accordance with an order made by Gov. Tom Wolf.

“I am ordering the closure of all schools, community centers, gyms and entertainment venues. This includes (YMCAs), theaters, sporting events, concerts, and I am strongly recommending the closure of non-essential retail facilities. It includes schools of all types, including higher-ed.”

Gov. Tom Wolf, March 12, 2020

BMFI is complying with Gov. Wolf’s orders without hesitation. The organization’s priority is the health and safety of the community. BMFI is a gathering place that draws thousands of patrons every week to view films, experience special events, and attend film studies courses. By closing temporarily, BMFI is working with the local and state government to help reduce the COVID-19 spread in the county hardest-hit by the virus in Pennsylvania. Prior to closing, BMFI implemented a series of precautionary measures to prevent spread among staff, patrons, and neighbors. After 13 presumptive cases of COVID-19 were identified in Montgomery County as of March 12, it is clear that temporary closure is the safest action at this time.  

BMFI employees will continue to receive full pay and benefits during this temporary closure. Memberships and donations will still be accepted online, but patrons are advised not to purchase tickets or course registration until further notice. Refunds will be issued for all tickets and film courses originally scheduled for Friday, March 13, through Thursday, March 26. Public support is especially appreciated during this time, as it will contribute to staff compensation, building expenses, and the losses due to canceled screenings, helping BMFI to reopen smoothly as soon as it is safe to do so.

BMFI will announce updates on BrynMawrFilm.org. Patrons are also encouraged to visit Montgomery County’s coronavirus website, which features local updates in addition to national resources and information.

About Bryn Mawr Film Institute

Bryn Mawr Film Institute (BMFI) is a nonprofit, member-supported motion picture theater and film education center located in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, in the western suburbs of Philadelphia. BMFI is dedicated to promoting shared experiences that entertain, engage, and educate audiences through a diverse range of independent-minded films, a full curriculum of courses, and an extensive program of special events. BMFI was established in 2005 and has since become one of the nation’s largest and most successful art house theaters. BMFI celebrated its 15th anniversary on March 12, 2020.


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BMFI temporarily closes on March 13, 2020 due to coronavirus spread in Montgomery County.