We Love Howard Hawks
(NR) USA – 1 hr 32 min
1940 · d. Howard Hawks
Starring Cary Grant, Rosalind Russell, Ralph Bellamy
Ace reporter Hildy Johnson is ready to trade in her career for marriage and housewifery, but a scoop about a possibly-innocent man on death row lures her back into the news game—and toward her unscrupulous ex-editor/ex-husband. With Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell rattling off hysterical dialogue at breakneck speed, His Girl Friday is screwball comedy firing on all cylinders.
The screening on Wednesday, May 7, will be presented in conjunction with the film course Fast Talkin’: The Films of Howard Hawks, taught by Jennifer Fleeger, Ph.D. On that date, seating for screening-only attendees will begin at 7:00 pm. Just want to see the film? Purchase your tickets from this page.