(G) USA/UK – 2 hr 29 min
1968 · d. Stanley Kubrick
Starring Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, Douglas Rain
$18 for members, $22.50 for non-members
Apes discover weapons on the prehistoric plain. A mysterious monolith is unearthed on the moon. An advanced computer begins to exhibit emotion. In a spellbinding orchestration of imagery, movement, and sound, 2001: A Space Odyssey envisions the evolution of intelligence from the dawn of humanity to the space-faring future. Shot in the high-resolution format known as Super Panavision 70, Stanley Kubrick’s sci-fi epic endures as one of cinema’s greatest big-screen experiences. Don’t miss this chance to see it on a vintage 70mm print!
70mm print courtesy of Warner Brothers and Park Circus.